Monday, November 23, 2015

Dear Family and Friends

Elder Sirrine's Zone

Elder Hobbs and Elder Sirrine

Elders Sirrine and Hobbs
Elder Sirrine with Zone Leaders
Well everyone. Another week here has passed in the middle of no where and I am beginning to love it! On Monday we went "hill biking" because there are no mountains here haha. We went with a less active and that was way fun! We got covered in mud and we saw an alligator in the water with its eye poking out so that was pretty cool!

Tuesday we went to Toby's house and he is making progress. We showed up and his friend named Harmony was there. We had never met her but me and her clicked right away because she plays basketball too and is 18 years old. She was really interested about why we were out here so we gave her a Book of Mormon and taught her and she wants to be baptized! The Lord really does prepare people's hearts. Hopefully she can be baptized soon!

Wednesday was new missionary training. We had to drive 3 hours to get there because our area is in the middle of no where like I have stated before. It was awesome and President Drake gave us some great council! At the very end of the meeting he stood up and said " I would like Elder Sirrine to come bare his testimony to us". I was so nervous and scared. I wasn't expecting it at all. As I started to bare my testimony I started crying and said how grateful I am to be serving a mission. I talked about all of you and how much you have all helped me get to where I am right now! And I learned that you cannot serve a mission on your own. Unless you rely on the Lord, there is no way you will stay out here. That is so true.

Thursday we went to the Caples for dinner and did hour of power in their neighborhood. We found some great people and got a couple return appointments for next week! Hopefully they don't fall through.

Friday we had one of our zone leaders on exchanges with us. We taught one of our investigators who is James. He has a great spirit and a desire to learn. He wants to come to church but he drives everyone to church in a bus for the Baptist church he attends. We are praying he finds a way to get out of that. If he can find a way. He will be baptized!! He has already agreed so hopefully that happens. After that we went to Toby's house again and his mom and daughter were there with him. We had a very spiritual lesson and his mom and daughter want to be baptized and they came to church again last Sunday! It was awesome.

Saturday we helped Brother Caple move some things around almost all day and then we went to a deaf member named Nae. He is awesome and I can almost fully do sign language because he has taught me. It is awesome!

Sunday was good. Church was awesome and after we contacted people and I was successful. I love this work and this gospel. Thank you for all the personal emails and prayers. It means so much to me. I love you all and am praying for all of you. Have a great week!


Elder Sirrine

Dear Mom

Hey mom! I had a pretty good week. It's getting a tiny but better day by day. Yeah I got the package and it's awesome! Thanks so much! I got it today. Not being home for Christmas and thanksgiving will be really hard. You need to join my ICloud photo share I invited you and dad too! On your phone. I'm glad you all had a great week. I love you so much mom. Thanks so much everything. Hope to hear from ya soon.

Love Elder Sirrine

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